Yoga Teacher Training
Module 2: The Practicum
with Basil
Fridays, Nov. 4th – June 30th 12:45-2:45pm
Learn how to teach correct asana alignment, supportive adjustments and intelligently guided vinyasa flow sequences.
Tuition: $1800 by 10/21 - $2000 after
Additional cost for books and materials
Contact Studio for More Info

Considering yoga teaching certification is an important decision. The Basil Yoga 200-hour Yoga Alliance registered program is designed to appeal to Yoga Teachers in Training (YTT's) who:
• are seeking the certification, skills, and knowledge of the yogic sciences and arts in order to teach to others as a path supporting a balanced life and whole living
• are seeking a professional and well rounded training program for her or his own personal growth and self discovery
• are seeking to refresh knowledge and skills, enriching a past certification in yoga that may have already been obtained in any of the traditions of Yoga
• are seeking spiritual-mind-body empowerment through the in depth exploration and study of the tradition of Vinyasa Yoga
• are seeking a program that has can be integrated into a busy schedule to accommodate active people with other life responsibilities or jobs that may deem other Yoga training programs impractical
The Basil Yoga YTT Program Details
100 Practice Hours and Techniques Training
Includes 100 hours in analytical teaching, practicing, and learning to successfully execute the guided practice of techniques including asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation and other traditional yoga techniques
65 Hours Yoga Philosophy, Psychology, and Ethics for Yoga Teachers
Includes 25 hours covering Philosophy of Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Upanishads
Includes 25 hours covering Psychology and Energetics of the mental, emotional, and subtle energetic bodies
Includes 10 hours on supporting a peaceful and ethical yogic lifestyle for Yoga Teachers and their students
Includes 5 hours on breathing techniques and the role of the breath
25 Hours Anatomy and Physiology
Includes 25 hours understanding body mechanics, motion, and safety guidelines within the joints and musculature of the physical body
15 Hours Practicum
Includes 5 hours practicing teaching students
Includes 10 hours assisting students, receiving feedback, observation of others teaching, hearing and giving feedback to others teaching
5 Hours Business, Management and Marketing of Yoga
Includes 5 hours of responsible business management, marketing yourself as a yoga teacher, legalities, liabilities, insurance, taxes
5 Hours Karma Yoga in the Service of Others
Includes connecting to a cause close to your heart to engage your passion for yoga and service towards others
Dates and Times
Contact us for details
Tuition and Payment
Tuition for the Basil Yoga 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Program
Tuition Fee: $3,500
This includes unlimited yoga attendance for yourself at Basil Yoga during the duration of the course. (Unlimited yoga classes and 180 contact hours)
Materials and Books Fee: $250. This includes all reading materials and books used in this training program which will belong to you. (15 books total) Unused books that you may already have will be purchased back by Basil Yoga at the retail price. Materials Fee includes Basil Yoga 200 Hour Teacher Training Manual. (1 manual total)
• $300 deposit with a completed application will reserve a persons space in the YTT program for Fall 2014. Starts mid Sept 2014.
• Along with your deposit, an application must also completed along with a 500 word essay detailing your biography and your reasons for wanting to take the Basil Yoga 200 Hour Teacher Training Program.
• Your unlimited yoga will start upon receiving your $500 deposit. In addition to working on your own practice, you may use this time to start accruing hours towards the non-contact hours mandatory to complete the program.
• Your books will be ordered once your deposit has been received and will be available to pick up from the studio in approximately 1 week.
• Incomplete hours met for the standards as noted above can be made up by paying faculty member or E-RYT 200 an hourly rate of $175 for each hour YTT has missed and is subject to the availability of the hours of the faculty member or E-RYT 200.
• Should you choose to drop out of the program, your deposit will be held as payment towards standard public Basil Yoga classes at a rate of $15 per class and will expire 6 months from the date of the deposit. Books will not be able to returned for a refund.
A contact hour is an in-person classroom hour in the physical presence of a faculty member. Contact hours must be in a dedicated teacher training environment (into which others might occasionally be invited) rather than in classes intended for the general public. To fulfill the standards for a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training, you must fulfill 180 contact hours. The remaining 20 Non contact hours may be spent in watching assigned videos, completing written assignments or reading extra materials assigned during the course.
A non-contact hour is an hour outside of the classroom, without a faculty member present. Non-contact hours are an assigned part of the curriculum and include:
• Reading, audio/video or internet resources that incorporate an assessment including reports, class discussions, presentations or tests
• Written assignments on yoga-related topics; may be counted for all categories except Practicum
• Evaluation of yoga classes outside of the program, with the following stipulations:
◦ Each class must be evaluated via a written or oral exercise
◦ A maximum of two hours may be earned by evaluating outside yoga classes
◦ These hours may count toward the Techniques, Teaching Methodology or Practicum categories
Please feel free to contact me at for additional information.
Module 2: The Practicum
with Basil
Fridays, Nov. 4th – June 30th 12:45-2:45pm
Learn how to teach correct asana alignment, supportive adjustments and intelligently guided vinyasa flow sequences.
Tuition: $1800 by 10/21 - $2000 after
Additional cost for books and materials
Contact Studio for More Info

Considering yoga teaching certification is an important decision. The Basil Yoga 200-hour Yoga Alliance registered program is designed to appeal to Yoga Teachers in Training (YTT's) who:
• are seeking the certification, skills, and knowledge of the yogic sciences and arts in order to teach to others as a path supporting a balanced life and whole living
• are seeking a professional and well rounded training program for her or his own personal growth and self discovery
• are seeking to refresh knowledge and skills, enriching a past certification in yoga that may have already been obtained in any of the traditions of Yoga
• are seeking spiritual-mind-body empowerment through the in depth exploration and study of the tradition of Vinyasa Yoga
• are seeking a program that has can be integrated into a busy schedule to accommodate active people with other life responsibilities or jobs that may deem other Yoga training programs impractical
The Basil Yoga YTT Program Details
100 Practice Hours and Techniques Training
Includes 100 hours in analytical teaching, practicing, and learning to successfully execute the guided practice of techniques including asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation and other traditional yoga techniques
65 Hours Yoga Philosophy, Psychology, and Ethics for Yoga Teachers
Includes 25 hours covering Philosophy of Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Upanishads
Includes 25 hours covering Psychology and Energetics of the mental, emotional, and subtle energetic bodies
Includes 10 hours on supporting a peaceful and ethical yogic lifestyle for Yoga Teachers and their students
Includes 5 hours on breathing techniques and the role of the breath
25 Hours Anatomy and Physiology
Includes 25 hours understanding body mechanics, motion, and safety guidelines within the joints and musculature of the physical body
15 Hours Practicum
Includes 5 hours practicing teaching students
Includes 10 hours assisting students, receiving feedback, observation of others teaching, hearing and giving feedback to others teaching
5 Hours Business, Management and Marketing of Yoga
Includes 5 hours of responsible business management, marketing yourself as a yoga teacher, legalities, liabilities, insurance, taxes
5 Hours Karma Yoga in the Service of Others
Includes connecting to a cause close to your heart to engage your passion for yoga and service towards others
Dates and Times
Contact us for details
Tuition and Payment
Tuition for the Basil Yoga 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Program
Tuition Fee: $3,500
This includes unlimited yoga attendance for yourself at Basil Yoga during the duration of the course. (Unlimited yoga classes and 180 contact hours)
Materials and Books Fee: $250. This includes all reading materials and books used in this training program which will belong to you. (15 books total) Unused books that you may already have will be purchased back by Basil Yoga at the retail price. Materials Fee includes Basil Yoga 200 Hour Teacher Training Manual. (1 manual total)
• $300 deposit with a completed application will reserve a persons space in the YTT program for Fall 2014. Starts mid Sept 2014.
• Along with your deposit, an application must also completed along with a 500 word essay detailing your biography and your reasons for wanting to take the Basil Yoga 200 Hour Teacher Training Program.
• Your unlimited yoga will start upon receiving your $500 deposit. In addition to working on your own practice, you may use this time to start accruing hours towards the non-contact hours mandatory to complete the program.
• Your books will be ordered once your deposit has been received and will be available to pick up from the studio in approximately 1 week.
• Incomplete hours met for the standards as noted above can be made up by paying faculty member or E-RYT 200 an hourly rate of $175 for each hour YTT has missed and is subject to the availability of the hours of the faculty member or E-RYT 200.
• Should you choose to drop out of the program, your deposit will be held as payment towards standard public Basil Yoga classes at a rate of $15 per class and will expire 6 months from the date of the deposit. Books will not be able to returned for a refund.
A contact hour is an in-person classroom hour in the physical presence of a faculty member. Contact hours must be in a dedicated teacher training environment (into which others might occasionally be invited) rather than in classes intended for the general public. To fulfill the standards for a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training, you must fulfill 180 contact hours. The remaining 20 Non contact hours may be spent in watching assigned videos, completing written assignments or reading extra materials assigned during the course.
A non-contact hour is an hour outside of the classroom, without a faculty member present. Non-contact hours are an assigned part of the curriculum and include:
• Reading, audio/video or internet resources that incorporate an assessment including reports, class discussions, presentations or tests
• Written assignments on yoga-related topics; may be counted for all categories except Practicum
• Evaluation of yoga classes outside of the program, with the following stipulations:
◦ Each class must be evaluated via a written or oral exercise
◦ A maximum of two hours may be earned by evaluating outside yoga classes
◦ These hours may count toward the Techniques, Teaching Methodology or Practicum categories
Please feel free to contact me at for additional information.
Teacher Training